I agree that feature-for-feature, Josie looks a lot like Allan. But you've GOT to admit, when she smiles---it's all me!
PS. I realize this is a really crappy photo of me, but I'm taking one for the team in order to illustrate a point.
Friday, October 31, 2008
She has my smile!
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2:23 PM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
What's new with me?
Well, for starters, I've got this growing fetus in me. That's pretty new. About three months is all. I guess she/he is only about 3 little inches long, but you wouldn't believe how this kid eats!! I'm not kidding. I've got to eat constantly to keep him/her happy. And guess WHO is due the EXACT same day as me?! Again, I'm not kidding. I was destined to never be pregnant alone. Small world, when you're having babies. (May 2, since you're all too lazy to do the math). Also, my two sister-in-laws April and Katie are both due at the end of February/beginning of March. Both boys. My parents have done quite well for themselves, in their grandparenthood. The youngest Tribe will be numero TWELVE!!
Let's see, I'm teaching sewing lessons now. It's been great! I get to stay in the comforts of my own home, and enjoy PAID crafternoons! Thanks Trine, for opening my eyes to the possibility! Besides being fun, it is much needed income, as it fuels my ever-depleted craft fund.
Also, Merritt and April were just in town, and we had ourselves a heck of a good time together with all the family. I can now say with confidence that 25 people CAN fit in our basement. It was a bit of a squeeze, but it since we consumed nothing gaseous, it was nothing but fun.
We also attended a party of special magnificence. I don't want to steal from the post that Eirene will no doubt write ( well, at least I hope she writes it), but we all had a marvelous time at her costume ball. The atmostphere was magical, the decor was breath-taking, the food was good, and the costumes were brilliant. It was a wee bit cold, but the blazing space heaters added to the general splendor of her backyard. If my newly-made-mother-of-two-sister does not post about it, I'll show photos of everyone, but for now I'll give you sneakiest little peak of my little clan. Who were we? I'll give you a hint. I wasn't autumn. I was Peter Pan. Accompanied by a really attractive lost boy, and an irresistible little TinkerBell.
Helllllooo!!! Can you even HANDLE how cute little Tink kissing her neighboring woodland fairy is?!
Allan is taking the GRE this Saturday. Wow. That's a beast of a test. He's studied a lot, and I'm proud of him. We're both excited for this test to be behind us. WOOHOO!
I'm in charge of our ward's primary program this year, and it's been....awesome. SO much work! Do women all over the world REALLY do this EVERY year?!? I just can't wait for this Sunday to be over. I've put a lot of work into it, and I really do hope it all comes together, and that it helps these special little kids feel the spirit as well as their families. Despite the chaos of putting it all together, I really did enjoy spending time with the kids one-on-one, and hearing their sincere and simple understanding of the gospel. Kids now-a-days are soooo smart! I've actually been kinda blown away with how much they know, and how much they have to teach me.
So yeah, it's been a good Fall. p.s. I love the fall. Changing colors....crisp air....my birthday (oh, by the way it was GREAT, with a big fat BESIDES the fact that BYU lost)....
But anyway, I'm feeling pretty lucky. Actually, blessed is a heck of a lot better word.
Peace out.
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8:09 PM