Wednesday, August 12, 2009

From bad, to worse, to a little better

Some of you will remember that a while back I bought this desk, and painted it. Let's take a moment to wonder WHAT I was thinking.... Anything?? Yeah, no... me neither. No, actually, I had a vision that was really fabulous in my head, but one of those tragic projects that totally did not work out. And actually turned out disasterous. I've hated that desk the moment that I finished it, and my brother-in-law Ben told me it looked like board shorts. I knew in my heart that that's exactly what it looked like, and it was more than I could bear. So when I saw this paint for 50 cents at Restore (one of my favorite and most frequented stores), I decided it was time to change the beach-themed furniture from my living room.
I like it MUCH better now, although it's still not my favorite desk in the world.
(and yes, I am big into grey these days....)


Super B said...

You finished it!! Yay! Now I can honestly say that I want to COPY every single project you have done!! Every. single. one.
I love it and I love you!! You are the best!
You have also inspired me to make a work station for my crafts/sewing. even though I don't have room downstairs, my room is big enough and now I just have to convince Russ to let me do it.

Ben and Eirene said...

Beaut! It looks great! I'm proud on ya! (Yes this is really Eirene.)

Heather E. said...

I liked it the way it was but I like it so much better now. It's so sleek. I also covet Eirene's big honking craft desk. I really love the grays.

M-Ware said...

ben's comments are hilarious. board shorts. i guess the stenciling did make it a bit too busy, but i can see why you tried it. i like it across the top the best, you could have kept it there in my opinion. but the grey does look sophisticated. i think it's a lovely desk.

Rob and Marseille said...

classy. We love the restore too

JP said...

Great job, the final product is my fave! Hey, how crazy is this...I just ran into Merritt (brother, not son) at church in Florence yesterday! I am out here visiting my mom in law. Just wanted to tell you! What a little world we live in.

Topsy and Havoc said...

that desk looks great. i love grey too...anything and everything goes with grey

Rach said...

Bravo, Bravo! Although it never looked like board shorts, it looks 100 times cuter now!! I love it! pS: I want to see you and your cute kids! Can we please go on a date soon?

Brianne said...

I absolutely love the finished product. It is my favorite desk, yikes that is nice. Now I'm going to have to go find a new desk.